Storyteller User Guide Overview > Workflow > Schedule a Program Block

Schedule a Program Block

Scheduling your Program Blocks in Playout allows content to be displayed on your displays on a specific day and time.

The display will begin playing the scheduled Program Block at the assigned date & time that it was scheduled for. 

Note: the display will be dark until the the designated start date/time.

1. Click on the PLAYOUT button from the main navigation

2. To create a new Program Block, click on the Create Program Block button

3. To Schedule a Program Block, drag that Program Block card from the Flyout on to the Channel’s timeline. Note: All of your available Channels will be listed on the timeline.

4. View options

4A. View By
Currently the only option is View by Day

4B. Select the Date

4C. Select a Time Increment

5. After you’ve dropped a Program Block on to the Channel’s Timeline, you will can adjust the start date/time and end date/time

5A. Select whether the Program Block should run one time only or recur

  • One Time: plays continuously from the selected Start Date/Time until the selected End Date/Time
    For example: From Sept 1 at 8:00am to Sept 3 at 8:00am.

  • Recurring: plays once a day during the selected date range at the selected time range
    For example: From Sept 1 to Sept 30, starting at 8:00am, ending at 11:59am.

5B. Select the Start Date. Select an End Date as well. 
For a block that should only run once, the Start and End Dates should be the same.

5C. Select the Start Time. Select an End Time as well.

5D. Click Done to save and schedule the Block.
Click Remove to Cancel.

6. To edit the Date/Time, click on the Block from the Timeline

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