4800×1080 landscape
Ratio 40:9 or 4.44:1
1080 × 1920 portrait
1920 × 1080 landscape
540 × 1920 portrait
In the Schomburg Center’s Media Gallery, there are two (2) channels, the Video Wall and the four (4) Kiosks.
A 5×2 video wall made up of ten 55” LCD screens. Note: interactivity has been temporarily disabled until an experience for the channel is developed.
4800×1080 landscape
The Video Wall can play video assets contributed in Storyteller.
For full screen video (Videos will play full screen on the Video Wall):
You may contribute videos in any aspect ration. Videos that do not match the display’s aspect ratio will be automatically centered and letterbox, while maintaining its aspect ratio. (Storyteller will not alter your assets.)
Please refer to Creating A Program Block
The Crestron touchscreen to the right of the display allows you to choose presets for what content is being viewed:
Four (4) movable interactive 80” LCD screens. Currently, the Kiosks play the Media Card template
1080 × 1920 portrait
Highlight people, featuring short description and links to digitized library holdings (videos, images, audio, weblink).
Required Zones:
Optional Zones:
If an optional zone is not filled out, the icon will not display on the Kiosk.
For videos:
For the collection of images in the Gallery:
*For audio: MP3
* Note: Audio and weblinks will not be available for this release.
Ticket Portal: https://support.metinteractive.net/support/home
Email: send an email describing the issue in detail to support@metinteractive.com
Phone: (800) 951-8407, Opt 2
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