Storyteller User Guide Overview > Menu Board Workflow > Menu Board Mobile Interface

Menu Board Mobile Interface

Follow this workflow to update your menu boards from your mobile device

Note: Edits made to an existing Menu Board instance will automatically propagate to the display.


Login in to Storyteller from your mobile device.

1. Tap on the INSTANCES button from the top navigation

1A. From the drop down select a template (Single Column Menu or Two Column Menu)

1B. Lists all of your previously created instances. Click on an instance to edit it.

2. The Edit Instance dialog will open with a list of all products added to this Instance in the Creating A Menu Board Instance step.

2A. Depending on which Template (Single Column Menu or Two Column Menu) you’re using, the dialog will show just one column or two columns

a. Slot 

b. Product Name

c. More Options Button – click to view additional editing options

2B. Save Button – saves your edits and closes the dialog

2C. Close Button – closes the dialog without saving any edits

2D. Additional Options

a. Move this product up

b. Move this product down

c. Clear this product slot from the Instance

d. Replace this product slot with a spacer

e. Replace this product slot with another product – opens the Replace with Product Dialog

To replace a product slot with a different product

3A. Select one product from the list

3B. Apply Button – applies your edits and closes the dialog

3C. Cancel Button – closes the dialog without saving any edits

Menu Management

Update multiple displays and menus all at the same time.

1. Tap on the MENUS button from the top navigation

1A. Select the Menus you want to edit

1B. Apply the options to the selected Menus – this is a subset of the options available in the web interface

1C. Publish Changes Button – applies and publishes your edits to the selected menus

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