Storyteller User Guide Overview > Menu Board Workflow > Creating A Menu Board Instance

Creating and Editing a Menu Board Instance

Follow this workflow to create and edit your Menu Board instances

Note: Edits made to an existing Menu Board instance will automatically propagate to the display.

1. Click on the INSTANCES button from the main navigation

2. From the drop down select a template

3. Recent – lists all of your previously created instances. Click on a card to edit that instance.

4. Click on the CREATE NEW INSTANCE button to create a new instance

5. Give your Instance a unique title.

6. The Workflow navigation defaults to Menu Setup

7. Click on the Products button from the main navigation

7A. Drag a Product from the flyout, drop onto a Slot (See 8A)

8. Depending on which Template (Single Column Menu or Two Column Menu) you’re using, the Menu Setup area will show just one column or two columns

8A. Slot
Re-order your products by dragging it up or down the list

8B. Product Name

8C. Product Standard Price

To add a new product or edit an existing one, see Add/Update Products

To add a background image into Zone 1

9A. Drag an image asset from the flyout over to Zone 1

9B. The image will display in Zone 1

9C. The Image Editor will open with the following options:

a. Crop and Resize

b. Flip Vertical

c. Flip Horizontal

d. Preview

e. Done – applies your edits and closes the Zone

f. Cancel

To  batch override the background image for multiple menus, see Menu Management

To upload a new image file, please see Uploading Assets

  • Supported file types for Images: PNG and JPG
  • Supported file type for Movies: MP4 (H.264 encoding)
  • Total upload size should not exceed 50GB
To add the Menu Title text into Zone 2

10A. Click on Zone 2 and type your text

10B. The Text Editor will open with the following options:

a. Font Family – default is Oswald

b. Font Size – default is 60px

c. Color – default is red rgb(248, 5, 5)

d. Other font properties – Bold, Italics, Underline, Uppercase, Lowercase, Strikethrough

e. Text alignment

f. Preview

g. Done – applies your edits and closes the Zone

h. Cancel

Edit  Product Zone

Each slot is populated with the Product added in the Menu Setup step (see 7A)

11A. Click in any slot in the Product Zone

11B. The Product Editor will open with the following options:

a. Font Family – default is Roboto

b. Font Size – default is 48px

c. Color – default is black rgb(0, 0, 0)

d. Other font properties – Bold, Italics, Underline, Uppercase, Lowercase

e. Re-order products – Move a product up and down (Note: you can not undo the re-ordering by clicking on the Cancel button.)

f. Insert a Spacer – instead of adding a product, you may insert a spacer. The spacer displays as a black horizontal line

g. Clear the Current Product – clears the selected product slot. You may now add a different product to this slot.

h. Preview

i. Done – applies your edits and closes the Zone

j. Cancel

Note: Editing the Font Family, Font Size, and Color for one product will update the properties for all products on this menu.  You can not edit the properties for just one product.

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