Menus Workflow

Add/Update Products

Add/update product information

Main Menu - Flyout - Products

1. Click on the Products button from the main navigation

2. Search for a previously created Product

3. Click on the ( + ) Add Product(s) button to add a new product

4. Previously created Products are listed alphabetically under Recent

4A. Product Name

4B. Hover on the Details button to open a dialog with additional information

4C. The dialog shows the following information:

  • Product Name

  • Record ID

Add/Update Product

5. Add/Update Product dialog

6. Product Name – must be at least three characters long

7. Description

8. Standard Price – the standard price

9. Event Price – the event price. Used for overriding the standard price for events.

10. Used In – lists all Menus where this product is currently is being displayed

11. Close Button – closes the dialog without saving any edits

12. Apply Button – saves your edits and closes the dialog

13. Delete Button – opens the Confirm Delete dialog

Confirm Delete Product

10. Confirm Delete Product dialog

10A. Menus List – list all Menus where this product is currently is being displayed

10B. Cancel Button – closes the dialog without deleting

10C. Delete Button – deletes the product. Note the product will be removed from any menu where it was previously added.

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