LogicPlay Workflow

Setting Up A Team

Teams allow you to set up a Team once and re-use it across multiple Games

Team Logo
File format: PNG (with transparent background preferred)
Dimensions: 287px wide by 307px high

1. Click on the TEAMS button from the main navigation

2. Search for a previously created Team

3. Click on the ( + ) Create Team to create a new team

4. Previously created Teams are listed chronologically under Recent

5. Team Setup Screen

5A. Give your Team a unique Title.

Note: The title will not be displayed on the Scoreboard.

5B. Team Name – displayed on the Scoreboard

5C. Team Colors – pick your team’s primary and secondary colors

Note: The team colors are not displayed on the Scoreboard with this template.  You may leave them blank.

5D. Team Logo  – displayed on the Scoreboard

Clicking on this area opens the Images flyout where the image assets can be selected or uploaded (See Uploading Assets)

File format: PNG (with transparent background preferred)
Dimensions: 287px wide by 307px high

5E. Allows the selected Game Template to use this Team.

For example, if this team should only be available for Basketball, select Basketball.

5F. Save the Team when you are done with the setup.

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