Game instances are automatically scheduled to playout according to their Date and Start/End Time
You can view the Playout Schedule across all of your Channels
1. Click on the Playout button from the main navigation.
2. Filtering options to help you locate a Game Instance or Program Block
3. List of all Game Instances created by your organization
4. Select a Date to view the schedule for that date
5. The timeline shows all individual Game Instance and Program Blocks scheduled for that date
6. Click on any block from the schedule timeline to edit it
6A. Edit the Start Date and Time
6B. Edit End Date and Time
You can also edit the date/times in the Game Setup. Either way is fine.
6C. To remove a game from the schedule, click on the Remove button
This will only remove the game from the schedule. It will not delete your game instance.
6D. Click on the Done button when you’ve finished editing the schedule
NOTE: the scoreboard will be dark until the the designated game start date/time, and will be dark once the instance reaches designated end date/time. We recommend scheduling the game at least 30 minutes prior to and 30 minutes past the actual game time.
For doubleheaders, schedule the games back to back.
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